Y’all ain’t gonna belive this shit – 1600 jokes and stupid sayings about rednecks

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Y’all ain’t gonna belive this shit - 1600 jokes and stupid sayings about rednecks

Y’all ain’t gonna belive this shit – 1600 jokes and stupid sayings about rednecks


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218 pagesIn this book I will introduce you to more than 1600 funny and strange sayings and jokes about Rednecks. This collection came from a variety of different sources like the Internet, emails I received from friends, things I heard at the local pub, at my hairdresser and other everyday life experiences.Get ready, since it must be the largest collection of this kind.Carry these funny writings with you and have a laugh at parties, the bar or at a family get together. Because this is an E-Book version you may take it where ever you go in need for a laugh. Table of contentsPrefaceYou might be a redneck if… Redneck jokesYou might be a redneck pilot if…Redneck Medical TermsDown South Bumper StickersHow to convert a businessman into a redneckRedneck computer termsWays to tell if a redneck has been working on a computerIf Microsoft was based out of GeorgiaA redneck goes to the movie: “Return of the Jet-Guy”Martha Stewart’s Rules for RednecksValentines, Redneck StyleRedneck Two-LinersYou know you’re trailer trash when…You’ve joined a redneck HMO if…A Redneck Kind of LoveThe Redneck Oil Change ChecklistRedneck Driver’s ApplicationLouisiana HeritageNorth vs. SouthArkansas ScholarsApplication to live in Festus, MissouriRedneck Wedding GuidelinesYour Starship Captain might be a redneck if…You might be a Star Wars redneck if…What not to say to a police officer!You know yours is a redneck church if…Analogies only a Red Neck would know how to use…Only a true Southerner knows the difference between a hissie fit and a conniption…Redneck Engineering ExamFrom a mother with loveLetter from a farm kidYou might be a Blueneck (a northerner – the opposite of a Redneck) if…Redneck Pickup LinesExcerpts from the West Virginia Vocabulary BookToday’s top Country and Western SongsRedneck HoroscopeDo’s and Don’ts when Visiting the “SOUTH”40 Things never said by southernersLearn how to speak Redneck— etc.Find more books from the author at: http://www.jackyoung.usMehr Bücher von diesem Autor finden Sie unter: http://www.jackyoung.us

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